Бывалый написал(а):
Именно российский Большой театр собирает аншлаги в Европе и мире...
И т.д. и т.п.
Бывалый, вы будете в шоке, но Нью-Йоркский балет тоже собирает аншлаги во всем мире.
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РОСомаха написал(а):
Кстати, насчёт изобретений. А радио - тоже америкосское изобретение? :lol: А Эдисон то лохом оказался! :grin: Лампочка - не его изобретение. Ранее её сделал Лодыгин, а ещё раньше - Николо Тесла. И вообще, Эдисона называют великим изобретателем, хотя он почти всё натырил у Тесла и присвоил себе.
По поводу Ладыгина
Lodygin's ideas were almost always ahead of his time. He invented an incandescent light bulb before Edison, but it was not commercially profitable.
К радио американцы отношения не имеют. Его изобретателем считается Маркони - итальянец. Но ситуация там ловольно сложная. Вот некоторые выдержки:"In 1887, David E. Hughes transmitted Morse code by radio at and below the Super low frequency range (via a clockwork transmitter).
In 1888, Heinrich Hertz produced and measured the Ultra High Frequency range (via a sparkgap transmitter).
In 1891, Nikola Tesla began wireless research. He developed means to reliably produce radio frequencies, publicly demonstrated the principles of radio, and transmitted long-distance signals.
Between 1893 and 1894, Roberto Landell de Moura, a Brazilian priest and scientist, conducted experiments. He did not publicise his achievement until 1900 but later obtained Brazilian patent.
In 1894 in Kolkata (Calcutta), Sir Jagdish Chandra Bose (J. C. Bose) invented the mercury coherer, together with the telephone receiver.
Alexander Stepanovich Popov, in 1894, built his first radio receiver, which contained a coherer but actually coherer was first demonstrated by J.C. Bose. Popov demonstrated the coherer, further refined as a lightning detector, to the Russian Physical and Chemical Society on May 7, 1895.
In 1894, Guglielmo Marconi read about Hertz's and Tesla's work on wireless telegraphy, and began his own experiments.
By 1897 Nikola Tesla had successfully conducted experiments, and obtained a U.S. patent for his invention of "wireless transmission of data" (i.e. radio) in 1897 and 1900.[1]
In December of 1901 Guglielmo Marconi used J.C. Bose's inventions to receive the radio signal in his first transatlantic radio communication over a distance of 2000 miles from Poldhu, UK, to St. Johns, Newfoundland. Marconi was celebrated worldwide for this achievement, but the fact that the radio patent was already registered by Tesla in 1900, as well as the fact the receiver was invented by Bose was not well known. Soon after the patent is given to Marconi. He even received the Nobel Prize."
А Эдисон - никакой не лох.